
Today I received one of the coolest postcards ever thanks #postcrossin…

Today I received one of the coolest postcards ever thanks #postcrossing :-) thanks Charlene, makes me feel a bit better. She lives btw. with her husband just 50 miles away of the Devil’s Tower from the movie Close Encounters of the third kind? have to set it on my films-to-watch-again list.
By the way did I ever say thanks to Steven Spielberg for this great movie? I haven’t seen it in the theatre, for that I was to young, it came out 1977 and I was just 6 years old. But I remember borrowing it later from the local videostore with the ID of my dad. The cover of the VHS cassette was fascinating me.
Maybe after St*rWars, this was one of the first tape movies my friend and me had to dub, so impressive it was to us .. must have be around ten or eleven?. I remember, in the beginning, it was easy to copy the films. So we met with the VHS recorders from our parents in our garden Caravan and dubbed this tape … and a few others :-) great days to grow up as a kid? and we didn’t care about the bad quality of the copies… sometime we were so glad to get a copy of a copy. Today kids wouldn’t watch any movie in a such bad quality?
#covid #badkids #closeencounter #closeencountersofthethirdkind #goldenyears #1977 #piratekids #stevenspielberg #devilstower #postcard #postcardsfromtheworld
Today I received one of the coolest postcards ever thanks #postcrossin…

Ursprünglich unter dem Namen Rusty-Invader am 13-04-2023 auf meinem Retrocomputer und Gaming Profil in Instagram gepostet. Wegen Aufgabe von Instagram jetzt hier zu sehen :-)


Ich bin Jürgen und als glücklicher Familienpapa und arbeite hauptberuflich als Senior IT-Consultant und Mediendesigner. Nebenbei entdecke ich mit unserer kleinen Familie die Welt und viele Formen der Kreativität. Was uns wichtig erscheint, muss ich hier in unserem Blog Nakieken niederschreiben. 'Nakieken' ist übrigens Plattdeutsch und bedeutet soviel wie "genauer hinsehen" und genau das ist unser Programm :-)

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