
There are so many reasons why the Commodore 64 is still one of my favo…

There are so many reasons why the Commodore 64 is still one of my favourite comps of all time. Firstly, it was the first computer I ever owned and it holds a lot of sentimental value for me. I have so many fond memories of playing classic games like Wizard of Wor or Bards Tale on it.

But it’s not just nostalgia that keeps me coming back to the C64 – it’s also the fact that it’s still a great „console“ to play today. The games may be old, but they’re still a lot of fun to play. And there’s a real sense of community around the #C64, with people still making new games and sharing them online.

It’s also great to see that the C64 is still relevant today – there are plenty of people who are passionate about it and who are keeping it alive. It’s a real shame that #Commodore went out of business, but thankfully the C64 community is keeping the spirit of the machine alive :-)

So why do I still love the Commodore 64? It’s a combination of #nostalgia, great games and a real sense of community. It’s a console that has stood the test of time and which is still going strong today. Long live the C64! … and now my wife wants me to work in the garden£ see you soon :-)
There are so many reasons why the Commodore 64 is still one of my favo…

Ursprünglich unter dem Namen Rusty-Invader am 31-05-2022 auf meinem Retrocomputer und Gaming Profil in Instagram gepostet. Wegen Aufgabe von Instagram jetzt hier zu sehen :-)


Ich bin Jürgen und als glücklicher Familienpapa und arbeite hauptberuflich als Senior IT-Consultant und Mediendesigner. Nebenbei entdecke ich mit unserer kleinen Familie die Welt und viele Formen der Kreativität. Was uns wichtig erscheint, muss ich hier in unserem Blog Nakieken niederschreiben. 'Nakieken' ist übrigens Plattdeutsch und bedeutet soviel wie "genauer hinsehen" und genau das ist unser Programm :-)

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